
1984; George Orwell

5 Love Languages; The; Gary Chapman

Art of War, The; Sun Tzu

Brave New World; Aldous Huxley

Courage to Be Disliked, The; Ichiro Kishimi, Fumitake Koga

COVID-19: The Great Reset; Klaus Schwab (SUS)

Cupid’s Poisoned Arrow; Marnia Robinson

Debt: The First 5000 Years; David Graeber

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep; Phillip K. Dick

Ego is the Enemy; Ryan Holiday

Hacking the Hacker; Roger A. Grimes

Happiness Equation, the; Neil Pasricha

How Successful People Grow; John C. Maxwell

How to Love; Thich Nhat Hanh

How to Stop Worrying and Start Living; Dale Carnegie

Last Words; George Carlin

Life Between Lives; Michael Newton

Meditations; Marcus Aurelius

Moby Dick; Herman Melville

Models; Mark Manson

Permanent Record; Edward Snowden

The Power of Now, The; Eckhart Tolle

Think and Grow Rich; Napoleon Hill

War of Art; Steven Pressfield

We Are All Born Free; Amnesty International

Wheel of Health, The; G.T. Wrench